Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS and ModMy
I found out today that the Cydia repo, ModMy, that I've hosted Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS on for seven years, is gone. This is an unexpected blow, but Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS WILL continue. Right now, you can still download the latest version of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS (0.9.9) from the ModMy repo, as all the content on the repo has been archived. However, future updates to Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS will no longer be available from ModMy. I plan to host Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS myself on my own repo. There will be more about this in the coming weeks. For now, if you need to download Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS, download it as you normally would. I would like to thank ModMyi/ModMy for hosting Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS for seven years. It received over 50,000 downloads over the seven years it was hosted on ModMyi/ModMy. Without ModMyi/ModMy, Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS would have never been downloaded so many times and for that, I'm thankful. ...