
Showing posts from February, 2020

Update on Brandsonic Web

It has been over 2 years since that last release of Brandsonic Web for iOS. My life has been pretty crazy the last two years. School keeps me very busy and I simply haven't had the time to devote to Brandsonic Web. As you may have seen on Twitter, I took and completed the 100 Days of Swift challenge last month. My ultimate goal was to a rewrite Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS in Swift. I have started work on this and it's coming along rather nicely. However it's not ready for release and I don't know when it will be. I plan to release a new version of Brandsonic Web for iOS with a fix for the "The operation couldn’t be completed" bug and official iOS 12 support. I will be testing this release over the next few days to make sure I was fixed the problem. If all goes well I hope to release this update soon. I am still using Xcode 10.1 on High Sierra as I don't have a Mac capable of running Mojave or Catalina officially. This is why I can't add official ...