
Showing posts from 2014

Brandsonic Web mobile for Android will be relaunched next year

Brandsonic Web mobile for Android has not been very successful. It's been over two years since it was released. I haven't released any updates since it was released, mostly due to lack of distribution. I will be relaunching Brandsonic Web mobile for Android in early 2015. I plan for the relaunched version to have an all new material design interface. It will basically be what the initial release should have been. I am aiming for a mid January release. More details soon.

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS has been downloaded 20,000 times!

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS has been downloaded an incredible 20,000 times! It hit 20,000 downloads 4 years, 2 months and 27 days after it's initial release on August 18th, 2010, and 1 year and 18 days after it hit 10,000 downloads. I cannot thank my downloaders and users enough. I am extremely thrilled to be announcing this only a little over a year after Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS reached 10,000 downloads.

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is ready for iOS 8

As you may know, the iOS 8/8.1 jailbreak was released. The latest version of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS that was released at the end of September is iOS 8 ready. It is also ready for the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Once you get Cydia installed, you will be able to install Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS. It may not run after installation, so you will need to run the bwebfix script on your computer.  The script requires that you have SSH installed on your iOS device.

Brandsonic Web mobile for Android is NOT dead

It's been nearly two years since I released the first version of Brandsonic Web mobile for Android. It is long overdue for an update. I actually have the next version done and ready, but I haven't released it since I don't really have a way to distribute it. I distributed the original version on the Mall but I haven't been able to upload the next version there so that is why there hasn't been any updates. I need to find another way to distribute the app before I can release any new versions.

Brandsonic Web's future is bright!

I finally got a new MacBook. It's a MacBook (Late 2009) to replace the Mac that I developed Brandsonic Web for the very beginning, a MacBook (Early 2008). My new MacBook can run the latest version of OS X natively and therefore the latest development tools. I can now continue development of Brandsonic Web for Mac and Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS. I am now able to update Brandsonic Web for Mac for OS X Yosemite and Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS for iOS 8. Development of these versions should be able to continue for the next few years.

The future of Brandsonic Web for Mac and Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS

From the very beginning, Brandsonic Web for Mac and Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS has been developed on my MacBook (Early 2008). Unfortunately, I may have gotten to the point where I can no longer run the latest development tools on this machine, do to the fact that it cannot run the latest OS X required to run the tools. I encountered this when Xcode 5 came out. Xcode 5 does not run on Lion and Lion is the highest version of OS X that my MacBook officially supports. I was able to run Mountain Lion on it with the incredible MLPostFactor, which allowed me to run Xcode 5. Thanks to this, I was able to update Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS for iOS 7. Apple unveiled a new version of Xcode at WWDC that will more than likely only run on OS X Yosemite. Considering I can't even run Mavericks on my MacBook there's no way I will be able to run Yosemite. Do to the high price of Macs, I cannot afford to get a new Mac anytime in the near future. Unfortunately, the future of these versions ar...

Brandsonic Web for Mac Alpha 9 (0.9) has been released.

Brandsonic Web for Mac Alpha 9 (0.9) has been released. This really includes some great new features and I highly recommend that all users update. This release includes: - Support for Mac OS X 10.9 - "http://" is now added to a typed URL if it is not already there - There is now a circular progress indicator when pages are loading

Fix for Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS 0.9.5

It has come to my attention that the latest version of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS does not start. I have released a small script for Mac/Linux and Windows that will fix the permission error that prevents the app from running. Download from the links below. Be sure to read the Read me first files before you try to use the script. Update 10/14/15: The bwebfix script was originally written for Brandsonic Web mobile 0.9.5, but it will work will all versions of Brandsonic Web mobile. Windows Mac/Linux

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS 7 update

The much delayed iOS 7 update for Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is finally finished and has been submitted to Cydia. It will be available soon for all jailbroken iOS 7 devices. It will also run on iOS 7.1 once it is jailbroken. It still runs on iOS 4.3 to 6.1 as well. This iOS 7 update is only the beginning. The next version will include more iOS 7 enhancements. I apologize for taking so long to get this update out and I hope you will think it was worth the wait. EDIT: The iOS 7 update is now available. Go update in Cydia on your Jailbroken iOS 7 device.

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is NOT dead

It has been well over a year since I last updated Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS, the most successful version of Brandsonic Web. Now that iOS 7 is out and its been jailbroken for quite some time, it's overdue for an iOS 7 update. I'm working on the iOS 7 version and I hope to have it released by the end of the March. I ran into problems that prevented me from releasing it several months ago. It will maintain it's iOS 4.3 to iOS 7 compatibly. It won't be a 64-bit app, because I would have to sacrifice alot of the compatibly with older iOS versions to make it 64-bit. I don't think it would really change anything anyway. I have alot planned for iOS 7, but most of them will come in the next version after the first iOS 7 update. For now, use 0.9.4 as it works on iOS 7 to my knowledge. It still looks like an iOS 6 app, but it's better than nothing.

Brandsonic Web for Windows Alpha 4

Brandsonic Web for Windows Alpha 4 (0.4 or has just been submitted to Please note this is not the new Brandsonic Web for Windows with the new interface. Below is the changelog: Changelog: Interface improvements Better optimization for smaller screens and lower screen resolutions Improved progress bar Keyboard shortcuts for open, new window, print and Quick Sites Update: This version is now available. Download from here .