
Showing posts from 2015

Got a new iOS device!

I finally got a new iOS device. It's a 32GB 6th generation iPod touch. It is replacing the 4th generation iPod touch I've been testing Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS on for approximately five years. Unlike my old 4th gen, my new iPod touch can run the latest iOS, and should be able to for the next few years. I've mostly been testing on the simulator, but that's never as good as testing on an actual device. I will continue using the 4th gen iPod touch to test on iOS 6.

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS has hit 40,000 downloads!

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS hit 40,000 downloads today. It happened just 5 months and 27 days after it hit 30,000 downloads. It took about the same about of time to reach 30,000 downloads. I can't express how grateful I am for all my downloaders and users. Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is now 10,000 downloads away from 50,000 downloads, a major milestone. I thank everyone for their support and I will try my best to update and improve Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS for years to come.

Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS has hit 30,000 downloads!

Today, Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS hit 30,000 downloads! This happened just  5 months and 25 days after it hit 20,000 downloads. This is the shortest amount of time between milestones ever. I am extremely grateful for all of my downloaders and users. I never thought any version of Brandsonic Web would ever be downloaded this many times. I am thrilled and  couldn't be happier. Thanks so much for your continued support and I will continue to update and improve Brandsonic Web mobile.

All previous versions of Brandsonic Web for Mac and Windows are now available exclusively from the Brandsonic Web Archive

Starting today, all previous versions of Brandsonic Web for Mac and Windows are now available exclusively from the Brandsonic Web Archive on Mediafire. Prior to this, they were available from the normal download pages along with the latest version. I have removed all of the links to previous versions on the download pages. Instead, if you want a previous version of Brandsonic Web for Mac or Windows, you visit the Brandsonic Web Archive. This way, all the versions on in one place, and the download pages aren't cluttered with previous versions. The links to the Brandsonic Web Archive are on the normal download pages for Brandsonic Web for Mac and Brandsonic Web for Windows.

Brandsonic Web status update

It's been awhile since I last updated any version of Brandsonic Web. I have not abandoned Brandsonic Web and it is not dead. I just haven't had the time to work on it. I started college in September and since then, I haven't had the time to work on Brandsonic Web. I am a Computer Science major and will be taking programming classes. These classes will hopefully give me the skills I need to really advance Brandsonic Web. As for the Brandsonic Web for Mac Alpha 9.2 that I mentioned on Facebook and Twitter, there is one small bug that is preventing me from releasing it. I may remove the feature that the bug is associated with and release it, but I haven't decided yet. Back in December 2014, I said I was going to relaunch Brandsonic Web mobile for Android. I was aiming for a mid-January release, but that didn't happen. It is now the end of March and I still haven't released it. I originally planned not to do a complete rewrite, I was just going to update the exi...