After working on it for over a year, the Swift rewrite of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is nearly ready for release. There are many reasons why I decided to do this rewrite. The original codebase of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is over 10 years old. It dated back to the iOS 4 and Xcode 3 days. It was becoming harder and harder to maintain. This was part of the reason for the infrequent updates. When I started Brandsonic Web, I wasn't as skilled with coding as I am now. While I am no expert now, I know a lot more than I did when I started Brandsonic Web 10 years ago. My lack of skill lead to a lot of poor programming practices with also made the codebase harder to maintain. The old version of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS is based on the old UIWebView API, which was deprecated by Apple a number of years ago. It was replaced by a new API, WKWebView. This was the biggest reason for the rewrite. I attempted to transition the current version of Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS to WKWebVie...
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