Brandsonic Web mobile, Packix and Havoc

I found out on Tuesday that Packix, the repo I've been hosting Brandsonic Web mobile on since ModMyi/ModMy shut down in 2017, is shutting down too. A new repo called Havoc is its successor. I intended to move Brandsonic Web mobile there. I transferred it from Packix to Havoc. I followed all of their guidelines and submitted Brandsonic Web mobile for review and approval. This morning I woke up to an email saying that it was rejected because they are "not interested" in hosting it. I am extremely disappointed and I honestly was not expecting them to reject it. I was ready to announce that Brandsonic Web mobile had been moved to Havoc. This leaves me in an awkward position. As of now, I have nowhere to host Brandsonic Web mobile. Brandsonic Web mobile will still be downloadable from Packix indefinitely but I have nowhere to submit future versions. I will host it on my own if that's what I have to do but I chose repos like Packix so I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of hosting and managing my own repo. Having Brandsonic Web mobile on a default repo also makes it easier for people to find and install it. Brandsonic Web mobile WILL continue. This is a big blow but I'll overcome it just like I did when ModMyi/ModMy shut down in 2017. Brandsonic Web mobile was hosted on ModMyi/ModMy for 7 years before it was shut down. According to ModMyi/ModMy's numbers, it was downloaded over 50,000 times in the 7 years it was hosted there. I never did get a final download count because the shutdown was so sudden. It has been hosted on Packix for about 2 and a half years and has been downloaded 2,744 times across the 5 versions I submitted there as of today. I have put a lot of work into Brandsonic Web mobile over the years. It has really evolved over the 11 years it's been out. I even completely rewrote it in Swift. I may not be a master developer, but I've always tried my best with Brandsonic Web. Brandsonic Web is extremely important to me. I am extremely grateful for all of my users and everyone who has downloaded Brandsonic Web. At this point, I really don't know what to do but I will post an update when I figure it out. This is a blog post I was really hoping I wasn't going to have to make.


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