Update on Brandsonic Web

It's been awhile since I updated any version of Brandsonic Web. In fact, there hasn't been any releases of Brandsonic Web in 2017. I just haven't had the time to work on it. School keeps me pretty busy. When I do have free time, I usually spend it doing something programming related. I have not abandoned Brandsonic Web.

Today is one year since I last released an update to Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS. It's long overdue for an update. iOS 10.0.1-10.2 have been jailbroken for awhile now. The current version of Brandsonic Web mobile on Cydia (0.9.8) should work without problems on iOS 10. I am working an an update for Brandsonic Web mobile for iOS and I hope to have it out before the end of the month. I'll make a separate post detailing this update at a later date.

Brandsonic Web for Mac was last updated a little over 3 months ago. That release had basic Touch Bar support. I still plan to expand the Touch Bar support, namely bringing Quick Sites to the Touch Bar. I haven't really started working on this yet, so I don't have an ETA yet. I also plan to bring major new features to Brandsonic Web for Mac in subsequent releases, but again there is no ETA.

I want to thank everyone who's downloaded and supports Brandsonic Web. I will try to release new versions of Brandsonic Web soon.


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